Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Pinterest challenge complete!

First of all, I apologize that I am one day late posting my project.  To be honest, the project was complete on time, but the uploading of the images/writing of this post just didn't seem to happen.  Ooops!

So, as you know, I was in love with beautifully styled medicine cabinets and pinned a few as eye candy.  I took it as a sign when Sherry and Katie announced the winter edition of the Pinterest Challenge to get my butt in gear and beautify my own medicine cabinet.

And so I did!  And it was so easy!  And cheap!

Here is what I was working with.  Our teeeeeny tiny bathroom with zero counter space, but thankfully a handy built-in medicine cabinet.

As you can see, the contents of this cabinet are not pretty, organized, bright, happy, inspiring or anything really!  It could only get better from here.

My game plan was to ensure we only had things in our medicine cabinet that were used on a daily basis.  And of course, I tried to make sure things looked good.

As I got going, I didn't feel right ignoring under the sink.  Which was actually in way worse shape.

All I can say is Yikes!  We basically packed up our bathroom supplies in that bin when we moved and then just shoved it under the sink to be ignored.  

I got started by pulling everything out and organizing things into groups.

I purged duplicate items, almost empty bottles, and expired drugs.  I had so many hair products that I NEVER use. 

Now before I started this project I did take a trip to Dollarama and made some great purchases, all for under $15.  

Before hitting up Dollarama at Train Yard's, I stopped into the Solutions store which is basically an organizer's heaven.  They were selling drawer dividers like the ones above starting at $8.  I couldn't believe it.  So I left, saddened, but then walked into Dollarama which is right next door and found basically the exact same things for 99% less.  Craziness.  

Oh, and I made some labels too.

In the back of our cabinet I organized a first aid kit, my "feminine hygiene products" (ps - isn't that the worst term?  Let's just say it, they are TAMPONS!)  There is also a little basket for Derek's year-long supply of contact lenses and glasses cases.

The green bag in the back contains our summer essentials (sunscreens and bug spray).  But what I'm really excited about is the HIS and HERS baskets.  It is so much easier to stay organized!

In the middle goes all those extras (soap, creams, bubble bath, hair products) - basically another, larger, HERS basket.

Eventually I would like to incorporate a shelving system, but for now this is a HUGE improvement!

I realize I've gotten off track with the under the sink madness, but I just wanted to save the best for last!  So after organizing everything and sticking labels on obvious containers I was ready to beautify the medicine cabinet.

I went to Michael's and purchased 4 sheets of scrap booking paper and some sticky tack.  Then I simply tacked it up against the back of the cabinet.  I didn't even use a ruler, take down the shelves or measure a thing.  And it took less than 10 minutes.  

Tada!  I think it may have been beginner's luck.  But I'll take it!

I'm not going to lie.  When I was finished putting up the paper I squealed with delight and stared at it for a good 5 minutes.

Then came to returning our items to their home.  

I must say, I'm super happy with the final result, and absolutely LOVE the paper I chose!  I am hoping to move forward with the rest of the bathroom design with that colour/pattern in mind.  

Just in case we didn't know where to put our teeth care products back, I thought a label would help.  Half of me thinks labels are hilarious and unnecessary and the other half is obsessed.

There you have it!  My Pinterest challenge complete, and something to cross off our list of showing our home some love!  Feels good!

Did any of you participate in the Pinterest Challenge?  If so, what did you do?  And what about your bathroom storage situations?  Our's was pretty bad, but I find having pretty containers and labels motivates me to keep things organized.  Not to say that I don't get lazy, but I think the key is to make sure your organization systems are user friendly and to not be afraid to change them up as you grow and change.

Now onto the next area of our home.  I am hoping it's the light above our dining table.  And I will be looking to you for advice!