Thursday, November 24, 2011

And it begins...

Hello!  And thank you for stumbling across my brand new blog.

I love reading blogs.  I think it’s because I am nosy and curious about other people's lives.  Especially when they are sharing about...
  • interior decorating
  • DIY projects (of any sort, but mostly involving interior decorating and weddings)
  • wedding planning
  • pregnancy and parenting
  • and anything along the lines of cute pets, delicious and easy recipe ideas, and sometimes health and fitness...
A couple of these topics are particularly relevant to my life since I recently got engaged (yippee!) and will be moving into a newly built condo with my fiancé summer 2012 (double yippee!!!).  Interior decorating and wedding planning have been taking over my mind...and I will admit – I do love it.

Some blogs I follow mention how they use their blog as a diary of sorts.  A way to journal their projects while sharing experiences and progress with friends and family.  Since I was young, I always kept a diary.  One of the most hilarious (and sometimes embarrassing) things to do is read old diary entries.  I find it so interesting and amusing to read what I was going through, what my interests were and how I imagined my future to be.  A good reason to start a blog, right?

I see that blogs can also be a great source of advice, feedback, information and even a way to make friends.  All things I am interested in – reason #2!

I am looking forward to journaling...I mean blogging...about getting ready for the big move from bachelor(ette) apartment to condo, wedding planning and anything else I’m excited about in between. 

I hope my blog will be entertaining and informative.  Something you will enjoy reading over a cup of coffee (or other favourite beverage of choice). 

Until next time...


  1. Great Job Meaghan!! I can't wait to follow your blog. I love the name and how creative it is. Very adorable <3

  2. Congrats on starting a new blog! yay! I'm excited to see what flows from you...

    I'm following you through google friend connect :)

    ~Lisha @ 1House1Couple

  3. Thanks Lisha! I love reading about home I'll definitely be watching you too :)

