Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Soaking in the last drops of summer

I hope all of you enjoyed your final summer long-weekend!  Derek and I did our best to soak up as much summer as we could.  And I think that knowing cooler temperatures and busy weekends are on their way helped us appreciate it a bit more.

We kicked-off the weekend by participating in The Canadian, Saturday at Mooney's Bay.  It was a jam packed day full of various types of races and events.  Derek ran an 8km and I did my first try-a-tri.  We both really enjoyed ourselves, did pretty well for first-timers, and will definitely participate again.

Here's a photo of Derek stretching it out before his race.

And here I am prepping for the first leg of my tri: the swim!  Super attractive, I know...and this is before the nose plug and goggles!

On Sunday we spent the day at Lac La Peche in the Gatineau Park.  Derek had read an article earlier in the summer about this specific lake and how it was not as busy as others in Gatineau Park.  It is an awesome lake and beach, but a little farther from the city, so I can see why people may not make it all the way out there.  

The lake is really big, with a nice cordoned off swimming area with lifeguards.  You can rent kayaks and canoes for a reasonable price, parking is only $10 per car for the day, and I don't think it's ever very busy!  

It was the perfect setting for a relaxing Sunday.  We enjoyed a picnic, some wine, canoed around the lake and discovered little private beaches.

That's me!  The water was so warm, and I loved it after having craved a swim in a fresh water lake all summer.  

Completing our little Canadiana outing, was the discovery of a huge beaver dam and a pair of loons!  

Derek and I will most definitely be taking another trip back to Lac La Peche, maybe even this autumn to take in all the changing colours from a canoe!  Seeing as it is only about 40 minutes from downtown Ottawa, it is the perfect day trip destination for family outings, romantic picnics or a get-together with a bunch of friends.  

What did you guys do over the long-weekend?  Anyone participate in a race or other type of outdoor activity?  


  1. these pics are beautiful Meaghan !! it looks like you had a nice relaxing w.e. I had a w.e. full of Grandkids and I rode my bike with a bunch of other bikes ALL BY MYSELF !!! so it was pretty kick-ass !!

    1. Thanks Sue - they are all taken with my bb...we really need to invest in a proper camera! I heard about your weekend - good for you, that is so exciting and quite the accomplishment! congrats!
